Tokyopop hit a home run with the release of World of Warcraft: Shaman, a manga that serves as a prequel to the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm MMO expansion.
The World of Warcraft: Shaman reached # 10 New York Times Manga Best Seller List in the United States for the week ending on September 26 – October 2. Check it out here.
Definitely not the last time we will see Paul Benjamin and this hopefully means more Starcraft and Warcraft mangas from Tokyopop and Blizzard Entertainment. High Five to the Creative Team.
To the trolls who said Muln Earthfury was a nobody here comes a well-deserved [raspberry]. Muln Earthfury is kick ass. He appears briefly in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm during one of the Twilight Highlands quests provided by the Earthen Ring faction at the Ring of the Elements. While his appearance at the Maelstrom is only your character’s nightmare while under the influence of Isorath, the character is canon and might be part of high-end content quests at some point.
The natural goal of the Earthen Ring is to defeat Deathwing and to appease the elementals of Azeroth.
Read our recent review of World of Warcraft: Shaman. Get your copy while supplies last at a bookstore near you or online.
WORLD OF WARCRAFT: SHAMAN, by Paul Benjamin and Rocio Zucchio. (TOKYOPOP, $12.99.) This series expands the stories of several “World of Warcraft” characters. The protagonist, High Shaman Muln Earthfury, is apparently beloved by Warcraft fans. — New York Times
- Thanks Slytman for helping with the quest series