Attention all beta testers. Blizzard requires your assistance in beta testing Wintergrasp World PvP with this new 8926 build. This testing will take place today Thursday, September 11th in the evening. Read below:

Mumper: Hey Guys,

We would like to get as many of you as possible over to Wintergrasp for some playtesting that we can review on the server. We will be watching the games and resetting as necessary to get as much feedback as possible. We will most likely swap Alliance and Horde control a few times during the test and have the zone reset right away rather then waiting for the current timer.

The Playtesting will take place on Murmur so try to have your pre-mades ready to go. This will give us the most accurate feedback.

Server: Murmur
Date: Thursday, 9/11
Time: 7-10pm PST

I will make a seperate thread for feedback on Thursday after we finish the playtest.
