Richard A. Knaak met with fans of the Diablo and Warcraft community to discuss details of Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy, and to ask questions of the Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy and bits of his upcoming unnamed Warcraft book. Don’t miss reading the Q&A as he reveals that Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy indeed has weight on the storyline of Diablo 3. Read the Q&A transcript

Medievaldragon: “How much of the book is creation of yours, and how involved is Chris Metzen behind the canon storyline of Diablo: The Sin War Trilogy? Do you think the ramifications of this book impact in the storyline of Diablo 3 the game?”

Richard A. Knaak: “This is a pure collaboration between myself and Chris/Blizzard. All that is written is passed by him and the others there. This will be canon and has adjusted earlier info. The ramifications here will be used for any future project…and I ain’t writing for a dead game.”

Special thanks to for moderating the channel.