Diablo III Community Representative Lylirra posted an update to the Facebook Diablo III Beta Key Sweepstakes clarifying some doubts and confusion about how winners will be notified.
You will get an email with the beta key code. However, Listen well, there won’t be any links in said email. Do not click any links from emails sent by Blizzard Entertainment, nor provide account and password info.
Simply go to your Battle.net Account page located at:
- https://us.battle.net/login (USA)
- https://eu.battle.net/login (Europe)
And follow the instructions provided by Lylirra:
Hey everyone!
We’ve noticed there’s been a bit of confusion surrounding the Diablo III Beta Key Sweepstakes, specifically in terms of how each winner will be notified and eventually granted access into the beta. To help clear things up, we wanted to quickly clarify how that whole process works.
While players who are selected through the official opt-in will have their Battle.net accounts automatically flagged for beta access, the same will not occur for the winners of the Facebook sweepstakes. Instead, sweepstakes winners will receive their Diablo III beta key via email from BlizzardContest@blizzard.com, and they will then need to activate that key through Battle.net by completing the following steps:
1) Log into Battle.net Account Management (https://eu.battle.net/account/management/)
2) Select “Add or Upgrade a Game” from the “Games & Codes” drop-down
3) Under “Activate a Game Key,” enter the key code into the provided box and click “Activate Game”If the beta key is valid, the Diablo III beta will be added to the selected Battle.net account and can be downloaded here: https://eu.battle.net/account/management/download/
For more information about the Diablo III Beta Sweepstakes, be sure to check out the official entry page and FAQ:
Official page – https://www.facebook.com/Diablo?sk=app_6009294086
FAQ – https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/2793454208Good luck!