Beginning at 12 PM, Thursday, January 4 Blizzard will be opening Free Character Moves for a number of realms. The destination realms will be newly opened with character creation disabled for the period of free transfers. These transfers will run until 11PM, Tuesday, January 9.
Destination: Nazjatar – PVP, Pacific
* Daggerspine
* Illidan
* Destromath
* Spinebreaker
* Mal’Ganis
Destination: Baelgun – PVE, Pacific
* Garona
* Blackhand
* Greymane
* Alleria
* Anvilmar
Destination: Alterac Mountains – PVP, Eastern
* Warsong
* Skullcrusher
* Burning Blade
* Executus
* Kel’Thuzad
Destination: Arygos – PVE, Eastern
* Durotan
* Eonar
* Draka
* Duskwood
* Icecrown
Original Post Here.