Glynnis Talken—voice actress of Starcraft Kerrigan and Diablo II Rogue/Kashya—will have her last public presentation before she dedicates to finish her medieval romance book to be Published by Warner on April 2006. Glynnis recently signed with Warner as new publisher and her new writer seudonym will be Sarah McKerrigan. You can find her at the Seaside Scottish Games at Seaside Park in Ventura, California. Glynnis will be there all day Saturday and Sunday, October 8th and 9th at the Tea & Sympathy booth. Although the event is not Blizzard related, she has told me in the past that all Starcraft and Diablo II fans are more than welcome to show up for a autograph on any poster, game box, or product; a photo or simply to say hello. Read the Newsletter below: