Apologies to everyone who emailed me from October 2-6. My modem — which I got replaced barely three months ago, died during the Diablo III Beta livestream we held last Saturday.
I just got online, reading through email and checking updates on the front page. Eldorian continued with the Diablo III Beta Key giveaway, which I’m thankful for.
Best wishes,
Tom – Medievaldragon
¡Bienvenido de vuelta a casa! 🙂
Thanks. It was a bummer to have a modem die when you are playing in a beta key giveaway livestream.
Five days offline — it’s been a long time since I had to be offline. Didn’t realize how addicted to be online I was till now. Bored as heck watching TV (only). I multi-task TV + gaming + internet browsing most of the time.
After the first two days, I was tired of playing Crysis in Delta difficulty-mode up to the end. Crysis: Warhead cleared too, lol. Last couple days I have played through the StarCraft II single-player. Didn’t know you could play offline. Neat.