Nate Kenyon wrote on twitter he is having a hard time to decide which novel to write next. Apparently he got his hands full with project offers. It is unknown if one of these are coming from Blizzard Entertainment, but in case that was so — “c-o-m-e–c-l-o-s-e-r …” — “How about we give him a little encouragement to go our way?”
Let the armies of Blizzard lore scholars, fans, merchandise collectors, and novel-munching-zombies decide for him. Send him a tweet to encourage him to pick any Blizzard projects available.
Nate Kenyon was the novel writer of Diablo III: The Order (the new Horadrim) and StarCraft: Ghost–Spectres
UK Amazon is listing an unannounced Diablo III book by Nate Kenyon – perhaps, one of the possible choices?