The Legendary Pictures booth had some props used in the film displayed inside a crystal box including the eyeglasses of Clark Kent, the Kryptonite, and Man of Steel newspaper shown in Superman Returns, the Batsuit costume and the Batmobile used in The Dark Knight, the monkey animatronic, Teddy’s finger and Baby Carlos used in The Hangover II film, the Spartan sword and the Immortal mask from “300”, and the Nite Owl mask used in The Watchmen.

I talked to the gentleman explaining in the video that these props were used in the Legendary Pictures films. He wasn’t able to spill the beans on anything about the upcoming World of Warcraft film, and confirmed there won’t be any announcements made at BlizzCon 2011 to his knowledge.

The DC Comics booth didn’t have any World of Warcraft or StarCraft II action figure, nor the graphic novels, neither the Diamond Distributor booth. Hopefully, we’ll see some of these at BlizzCon 2011.



Blizzplanet: 2011 New York Comic Con Coverage