Aman’Thul, the Highfather of the Panteon, bestowed a portion of his cosmic power upon the massive Bronze dragon, Nozdormu. The Highfather empowered Nozdormu to guard time itself and police the ever-spinning pathways of fate and destiny. The stoic, honorable Nozdormu became known as the Timeless One.
Once the Titans left Azeroth, Nozdormu’s task is to gather information and be a diplomat of sorts. He prefers solitude and is rarely seen by the other Aspects. His lair is in Caverns of Time, Tanaris. But most of his time he is not in the world in physical form. He and his other-selves are in the timestream, to police and watch the alternate timelines of fate and destiny.
He is a bronze dragon with golden eyes that are bright like the sun. He was beside the other Dragon Aspects during the War of the Ancients. On the book War of the Ancients Trilogy the timeline changed slightly. Nozdormu wasn’t present during the War of the Ancients in that new timeline because he was caught in a time-anomaly caused by the Old gods. So you might see a contradiction. But originally, Nozdormu fought in the War of the Ancients.
After such event, Ilidan released three vials of water from the Well of Eternity upon the river of Mount Hyjal, creating a new Well of Eternity. Alexstrasza contained the waters by planting a magical Acorn from G’Hanir the Mother Tree. The Acorn grew becoming into a huge tree. The tree absorbed the waters of the Well of Eternity, and with it, the land healed over ten thousand years. Nozdormu enchanted the World Tree Nordrassil so that for as long as the tree stood, Night Elves would live forever binding the tree with his power over time.
Nozdormu is rarely seen by other Dragon Aspects as he prefers to be left alone, cataloging races and their history, and collecting artifacts from different time eras. In Warcraft: Day of the Dragon pocketbook, Nozdormu was cataloging the history of the Tauren, while holding the statue of a bull-man.
Nozdormu was visited by Korialstrasz, known as Krasus, the consort of Alexstrasza requesting his help to free her from the Dragonmaw Orcs. Nozdormu was at the final battle against Deathwing to stop him from stealing the eggs of Alexstrasza.
After the Demon Soul was destroyed by Rhonin the human mage, their powers once more were returned in full to the Dragon Aspects, as the Demon Soul leaked out the powers they willingly gave up ten thousand years ago to fuel the artifact.
Nozdormu was empowered by the Titan Aman’Thul to make sure that the flow of time happens normally without intervention of entities that could alter the fate the Titans sought for the worldl of Azeroth.
When a mage or being finds a way to delve into magic that can somehow alters or threats the timeline, Deathwing acts swiftly to stop or remove the threat.
Nozdormu is wise and he looks into all corridors of time, analyzes timelines and seeks solutions before he proceed. He can also set time backwards and uses his power to avoid an event in history from happening at all.
In the book, Krasus had used an Eon Rose as reagent to teleport himself to Caverns of Time, Nozdormu’s lair, to speak with Nozdormu seeking his help to free Alexstrasza. Nozdormu grew tired of Krasus and used his power to reverse time. Krasus found himself back at his home casting the spell with the Eon reagent to teleport to Nozdormu’s Lair. Only this time, the Eon Rose enchantment didn’t work, and Krasus could not teleport to Tanaris. Nozdormu had reversed time and dispelled the magic of the Eon Rose to stop Krasus from teleporting to meet him. All memory of his visit by Krasus was erased from Krasus as well. This is mentioned to you so that you have a glimpse of Nozdormu’s powers. You can read more at Warcraft: Day of the Dragon.
Few mortals who have ventured into Caverns of Time have left alive or unchanged. Some come out older in age or an infant. Others get lost in time. If they ever escape the Caverns of Time, they return decades or centuries later. Some are able to escape but are no longer in their present, showing up instead in the past.
Rumors are that in World of Warcraft we may be visiting Black Morass—formerly Blastedlands, before the Dark Portal turned the marshlands into red clay. And also Tarren Mill, before the plague.
There are some agents of Nozdormu currently in-game. One of them is Chromie in Andorhal Inn, Western Plaguelands—a bronze dragon disguised in the shape of a female gnome. The quest named Counting Out Time reveals the following:
Chromie: I need you to reach into the world beyond this room. Allow me to explain.
You see the difference in this room compared to the rest of Andorhal. My dragonflight works in many different ways and in many different timelines. To mend Andorhal’s damage, I now act from a different timeline as not to overly contaminate it. To continue this though I need time trinkets, ones trapped from when the plague hit. Find them in lockboxes found in the ruined buildings that make up this once proud city.”
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