With the most recent patch released on the PTRs, the following changes have been made to Naxxramas.
Plague Wing
- Players should no longer be able to fall from the balcony in the plague wing.
- Heigan the Uncleans entry door will not open until Noth the Plaguebringer has been killed.
- The Plague wing entry room will now completely respawn when a group wipes.
Spider Wing
- Anubrekhan: Fixed Frozen Rune positions in Anub’Rekhan’s room. They were previously unselectable / unusuable.
- Anubrekhan: Fixed Locust Swarm and Impale animations.
- Spell effects will appear more aligned on several mobs.
Abomination Wing
- Patchwerk: The door beyond Patchwerk will now only open if he is killed.
- Patchwerk: Aggro shouts have been slowed down so he doesnt spam introductions in chat and audio.
- Patchwerk: He will no longer travel outside of a given range.
- Thaddius: Zone-wide shouts will no longer have audio vocals.
- Embalming slimes are now on a three minute respawn timer.
- Sewage slimes are now on a three minute respawn timer.
- Patchwork Golem no longer looses aggro on war stomp.
- Mad Scientists: Fixed problems with portraits and textures.
Deathknight Wing
- The endless slime pits in the Deathknight wing now have proper collision and slime.
- Deathknight Understudies have been changed from level 61 to 60 and their Shadow Resistance set to 0. This should make the regular periodic resists happen less often.
- Deathknight Understudies now lose aggro after casting Mind Exhaustion.
- Shades of Naxxramas no longer infinitely spawn a portal.
- Living poison slimes before Patchwerk have been spaced out a little more to give players a little more room to try and avoid them.
- Mr. Bigglesworth will no longer respawn. R.I.P. =(
- The “Echoes of War” quest requirements were changed from requiring the Heart of Anub’Rekhan and the Head of Instructor Razuvious to 8 Deathknight Captains and 3 Venom Stalkers.
- Various creatures now move faster.
- Stealth detection has been applied to most creatures in the zone.
- All Non-Boss creatures in the zone now has a leash distance.
- Added vendor Jimmy McWeaksauce to the center of Naxxramas. Jimmy sells the following items and is generally a cool guy:
- Free Repairs
- Free Res sickness removal
- Spell reagents
- Tome of Tranquilizing shot
- Rogue poisons