[Medievaldragon]: Before starting, I wanted to make sure to display copyright notices. For Warcraft, Warcraft pocketbooks—Warcraft: Day of the Dragon, War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity, War of the Ancients: Demon Soul and Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy; and World of Warcraft are trademark or registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment in the U.S. and/or other countries. https://www.blizzard.com
[Medievaldragon]: Thanks athalus for providing the browser script for Wow Forum fans to join us. Athalus is from WCradio.com
[Medievaldragon]: ok, we will start the event
[Medievaldragon]: We welcome Richard A. Knaak , New York Times best-selling writer of D&D titles, Dragonlance, Dragonrealm, Legend of Huma among others; and writer of Warcraft: Day of the Dragon.
[Medievaldragon]: Hi Richard
[Richard]: Hi! I’d like to thank Blizzplanet, everyone here, and Blizzard, my sponsor for this
[Richard]: Always happy to be here!
[Medievaldragon]: We are here to talk about your newest Warcraft projects: War of the Ancients: Demon Soul and Warcraft manga: The Sunwell Trilogy
[Richard]: I’ve been enjoying the both. Great fun to work on.
[Medievaldragon]: Can you tell us what War of the Ancients: Demon Soul focuses on in the Warcraft Lore?
[Richard]: Obviously, the war is in full flame. Malfurion has to come to grips with his training, while the dragons have begun to create an artifact to use against the demons, called the Dragon Soul. However, all is not well within their own ranks. Meanwhile, the demons have a few plots of their own.
[Medievaldragon]: How will the timeslip of Rhonin and Krasus the dragon affect the events of Demon Soul, and what consequences may their actions in the past create?
[Richard]: Obviously, the repercussions of the night elves’ magic, but also, the triangle between Malfurion, his brother, and Tyrande . I will focus more on the timeslip and its cause; and it will make changes, whether small or great, I cannot say. But there will be some.
[Richard]: The first chapter will hint at some of that in the third book. Meanwhile, Krasus must decide whether to save his kind or follow history. Krasus aka Korialstrasz.
[Medievaldragon]: It is a big decision to make. We noticed in World of Warcraft, that there is an Elf named Garek, an agent working for Krasus. The Quest is named Tremors of the Earth ( southeast of Badlands). Can we safely say that Krasus survives the odysey of this timetravel?
[Richard]: Yeah, he’s not happy about that. That referred to the previous, not his survival. Who survives is up to how the story goes, but I do have fondness for Krasus, so…
[Medievaldragon]: I loved how you implemented the story of the dragons in the book War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity. It let us see at the way Dragons think and behave.
[Richard]: I think the dragons are integral to the history and life of the world. They were the first guardians. They could not leave it alone completely.
[Medievaldragon]: What can we expect from the dragons during the events of War of the Ancients: Demon soul, and how will they react before the betrayal of Deathwing?
[Richard]: We can see how some of the events of the future unfold, and how the betrayal shakes them to their foundations . . . and creates in part, Korialstrasz also becoming what HE is. We also learn the truth about Neltharion’s madness.
[Medievaldragon]: A question many would like answered, what new heroes from Warcraft will be displayed in this book Demon Soul? Some fans want to see the Naga heroes before they became Naga. Others want to see Feathermooon. I remember you mentioned in our previous interview by February 18, an appearance of a female heroe in future books of War of the Ancients Trilogy.
[Richard]: You’ll see a character you know well, yes. Unfortunately, even in a trilogy, not every aspect can be revealed. But we try. And we will make mistakes, although we try not to. You will see more of the demi-gods by the end of the trilogy. Since I had a hand in the creation of a few with Chris Metzen.
[Medievaldragon]: I heard Chris Metzen works with you when creating these books and that the stories of these pocketbooks are part of the Warcraft Lore 100%. Material that obviously affects the Quests in World of Warcraft the MMORPG
[Richard]: Very much true. Chris wants everything matching up as best as can be expected. He knows how much the fans love this world , and we go over every chapter, outline, etc. I credit him much for the success of the books and games. He wants to please the fans, believe me. Even the manga will match up!
[Medievaldragon]: How much time do Chris Metzen and you spend polishing the book ideas? Does he check with you over the phone every now and then to guide you on the storyline?
[Richard]: Hours upon hours. If I don’t speak with him each week by e-mail or phone every couple days, I’d be surprised. Even tiny things get changed, often almost through the entire project. Makes for some fun hunting through the manuscripts
[Richard]: But it’s worth it.
[Medievaldragon]: Wow . . . thats very involving and commited. It is like developing a game.
[Richard]: Exactly
[Richard]: AS I said
[Richard]: Chris wants everything matching up. I believe in that dedication. And it shows in the quality of Blizzard’s stuff . By the way, for those who don’t get the free book today, there is still a way to get one. When you pre-order World of Warcraft you will get a free copy of War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity at authorized locations like EBGames.com, Electronic Boutique, Gamestop, Best Buy, CompUSA, Fry’s, Amazon—both online and local stores.
[Medievaldragon]: I think both of you have done a great job as a duo. When I picked my copy of War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity, book one, I was literally hooked up. When I finished the book I was left with a sensation of starving for more
[Richard]: Thanks
[Medievaldragon]: Are there other people besides you both working on the project?
[Richard]: I appreciate that much. Naturally. There are other authors, although I believe I work closest. The gaming people, of course, are constantly at work. But foremost in my projects, it’s Chris and me. He specifically wanted me to do this trilogy, for which I’m honored. I’ve enjoyed it at least as much as any reader
By the way, I just did an interview for a Bulgarian fansite
[Medievaldragon]: Which site? I could try to get a translation later during the week.
[Richard]: It’s an SF site, I’ll e-mail it. Remind me later.
[Medievaldragon]: Jeff Kaplan aka Tigole, mentioned in the forums that there are pla
ns for the ingame instance of Grim Batol. I was there and saw a lot of Dragonspawns lvl 60+ elite. How do you think The developers will somehow reproduce the events of Day of the Dragon in the game and how do you feel that we the
fans will be able to roleplay and live the events that you with effort wrote about
[Richard]: I think that Blizzard wll do a great job. The material is already in the history of the world, and I think it will give readers new depth into what happened. I like the concept and think it makes sense. The event proved pivotal in the end of the war
[Medievaldragon]: Could you give us a brief summary of the events of Day of the Dragon and how it connects with War of the Ancients: Demon Soul?—This in benefit of fans that haven’t read Warcraft: Day of the Dragon.
In Day of the Dragon, the last days of the war against the orcs, The Demon Soul comes into the hands of an orc spellcaster. He is using it to keep Alexstrasza the Queen Dragon and the red dragonflight under control
[Medievaldragon]: Nekros if I remember well.
[Richard]: However, Krasus has noted also the appearance of Deathwing, thought dead. So he sends Rhonin the mage and Vereesa, a High Elf, to investigate. There they discover the truth of Deathwing’s manipulations. Not only of the orcs and dragons’s manipulation, but the Alliance’s as well.
[Medievaldragon]: Was it Deathwing who made Nekros the spellcaster to find the Demon Soul?
[Richard]: Exactly. Deathwing caused another Orc to find it, then pass it on to one who could wield its power. He cannot use it himself, in the original history (Warcraft: Day of the Dragon)
[Medievaldragon]: So we can assume that since the Demon Soul had a curse made by the Dragon Aspects so he would never be able to command the Demon Soul, Deathwing lured the orcs into getting control over the Demon Soul as a diversion.
[Richard]: The other dragons managed to alter the artifact so that Deathwing won’t control the Demon Soul. But that might change, now in Warcraft: Demon Soul. Exactly . . . Use a puppet . . . That’s Deathwing!
[Medievaldragon]: In my opinion, the true aim of Deathwing was to get possession of Alexstrasza’s red dragonflight eggs and used the orcs, the alliance and everyone else as puppets as you say, a diversion to reach this goal.
[Richard]: The ultimate goal, yes! But he’ll take everything he can get. His own flight is all but decimated. Why not take that? . . . of the most viable flight left. Makes sense to him
[Medievaldragon]: The Second War was Deathwing’s fault as a diversion to take control over the red dragonflight’s eggs. I heard Deathwing had no dragonflight after wars happened in the past, am I correct?
[Richard]: I believe that is so. Although there might have been a few left.
[Medievaldragon]: Survivors?
[Richard]: But his flight is dying through his work. All that matters most is his obsession. So, he needs new followers. And he would probably go through them, too.
[Medievaldragon]: That kinda makes sense. In Warcraft III, in the cavern of the Druids of the Claw, Malfurion found Black Dragons. He called them spawns of Deathwing. Also we got to Kill Searinox, a black dragon.
[Richard]: Yeah, the black dragons tend to get slain doing his work. Not much left for his ‘perfect’ world, eh? But, then, is it really ‘his’ world he wants to build? —The author said cryptically.
[Medievaldragon]: But in World of Warcraft, I was so surprised to see many Black dragons. And even black dragonspanws. So I was curious as to if this are unknown survivors of the holocaust where the black dragonflight was wiped; or if somehow World of Warcraft is the product of the events of War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity and the second part Demon Soul. If so then there are 2 parallel futures/2 parallel presents.
[Richard]: There will still be black dragons at the end of the trilogy. The losses are through attrition. There are some changes in the future, and those will have to unfold for all the answers to be revealed.
[Richard]: By the way, I just got two of my copies of DEMON SOUL from the publisher. Means it’s imminent
[Medievaldragon]: It’s great! Barnes and Noble suggests November as the release. The book will be available on November.
[Richard]: Should be just shy of November. I usually get them just before release. That’s the way it tends to work in publishing.
[Medievaldragon]: I will have my copy pre-ordered of course. Can’t wait to see how our favorite characters develop in this hellish timeframe of the Burning Legion invasion.
[Richard]: You will be surprised by some. I’ve tried to develop this as fits
[Medievaldragon]: I was curious about Well of Eternity book. Deathwing talked to Krasus telepathically and Krasus was pretty scared, because somehow Deathwing knew that Krasus represents a danger to his plans. He even casted a spell that makes Krasus get disoriented and babblish whenever he tries to talk about Deathwing. Looked like Curse of Tongues.
[Richard]: It was in great part.
[Medievaldragon]: I was very excited and even paranoid when that happened. I felt like I was there, your writting technique is similar to those in Comic books where you immerse yourself into the drama and live it. So I was there like if I were Krasus, and suddenly Deathwing looks at Krasus with that evil eye . . . and talks telepathically to him with this deep voice like Darth Vader: I know you . . . and WON”T LET YOU RUIN MY PLANS !!!
[Richard]: I’m a visual writer. I grew up on comics. And the scene with Deathwing was fun, because it showed how his insanity had overwhelmed him. It was a pivotal scene . . . because you know that the die is cast for Neltharion; and that things have gone disastrously for Krasus’s intentions.
[Medievaldragon]: This is pivotal for Demon Soul book. How will Krasus be able to break the enchantment set upon him by Deathwing? Did Deathwing know that somehow Krasus came from the future and that it meant trouble for his plans against the Dragon Aspects?
[Richard]: Actually, Deathwing did not know; but he sensed some of Krasus’s intentions . . . and madly guessed the rest.
[Medievaldragon]: What made Deathwing cast this curse of tongues spell on Krasus? What was his fear?
[Richard]: Krasus is going to have problems. Bear with me. I wrote this a long time ago
[Medievaldragon]: I bet! As soon as he tried to warn to the Dragon Aspects the betrayal of Deathwing, after the enchantment made by Deathwing, Krasus wasn’t able to talk anything coherent. The Dragon Aspects were like . . . ehhh? He is talking nonsense. Babbling.
[Richard]: Deathwing sensed his unease. Yeah, Many were already suspicious
[Medievaldragon]: It was very funny!
[Richard]: Who is this little creature claiming to be a dragon of knowledge? It was comical and ominious!
[Medievaldragon]: Only Alexstrasza shows a sensation that this old Krasus and the young Krasus are the same.
[Richard]: She knows him better than anyone. She knows his soul
[Medievaldragon]: Yet Alexstrasza doesnt want to alert the other dragons of Old Krasus’s true identity,
[Richard]: To do that might unwind the future, and make the invasion look like a picnic. The repercussions would be horrendous. Assuming they believed her even, there is only so much.
on]: I was worried about the fact that an option is to kill Krasus and Rhonin to avoid the change of time itself . . . But then everything of the past events seems to change; because they didn’t know of a third unwanted visitor that was pulled into the past with them.
[Richard]: Yes, Brox.
[Medievaldragon]: So basically the harm was done.
[Richard]: And Nozdormu was not there to verify things, If it would save the future. Harm was done; but how much more harm would be done. That is the question. Of course, Brox didn’t know that.
[Medievaldragon]: I think that sorta gave Rhonin the excuse to intervene during the war against the Burning Legion. Rhonin was like, “this guy is here? He already messed the time, what gives?” And Rhonin started shooting spells like a hero at every demon in sight. After a long time pulling back his offensive with fear to change the past.
[Richard]: Rhonin is in some ways a little orcish. When it comes to getting the task done. That’s what got him in trouble in the past with the Wizards of Dalaran.
[Medievaldragon]: Rhonin is impulsive, and he lives the moment.
[Richard]: Krasus made use of that in the past, but now he has to try to reign it in. Of course, there is a point when even Krasus has his limits.
[Medievaldragon]: What aspects of the story will we see in your book Demon Soul, that we may wish to know in advance?
[Richard]: Obvously, the demon soul.
[Medievaldragon]: Compared with day of the dragon events?
[Richard]: The danger to time
[Medievaldragon]: (Thinks to self—He won’t spill the beans! nods!) Do we see other races? Like the people of Cenarius? I recall he kept mentioning meetings with his people.
[Richard]: This is still mostly the Night Elves’ game at this point; but we will see another demi-god and we have already had a glimpse of one of the bears. At least, his paw. (Refering to the first book War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity)
[Richard]: By the end of the trilogy, you will see other races.
[Medievaldragon]: Hmm I think this is the demigod that taught the Druids of the Claw?
[Richard]: Yes, that demigod
[Richard]: But this story is foremost about the Dragons , Time, and Malfurion, Illidan, and Tyrande’s decisions. And the mistakes of the Night Elves. Not to mention we’ll see the creation of the Satyrs.
[Medievaldragon]: I always wanted to know how the Satyrs came to be, I look forward to find out.
[Medievaldragon]: I do know that the transformation of the High Elves of Azshara came with the Burning Legion’s demonic magics turning into Satyrs . . . or so I think.
[Richard]: Yep, and you’ll never guess who gets to be the first one.
[Medievaldragon]: Ohh that is a nice tease!
[Richard]: and I ain’t going to tell.
[Medievaldragon]: ummm I would like to let some of the fans make questions.
[Richard]: go ahead
[Richard]: You’ll find out quick, I promise you
[Medievaldragon]: I won’t be able to sleep now trying to figure out. heh
[Medievaldragon]: Alrite, questions? Fans
[Richard]: Be gentle
Athalus-wcradio: pets Richard
[Richard]: Not that gentle
OpenTechHelper: lol
Athalus-wcradio: chuckles
[Medievaldragon]: Hey, remember in the forums? All those questions about the books? This is the big kahuna. Ask him
Narzul: Richard, how do you like working with Warcraft lore in comparison to previous stuff you have worked with?
[Richard]: I enjoy Warcraft, at least as much as the other worlds. It has such depth. Such characterization. And such nice Chaos
Gingery: Do we get to see the introduction of the dwarves in the next book?
[Richard]: Gingery, Nope, not in this book.
Narzul: As before keep up the great work, I bought Warcraft: Day of the Dragon just this morning and will start reading it later.
[Medievaldragon]: Thanks for buying Day of the Dragon, Narzul. I already did, and plan to read it soon. I think as World of Warcraft players, we need to read these Warcraft books to understand why are the events in the quests happening so that we have a better understanding of whats going on in the drama. We are roleplaying the events of the books and the warcraft lore. War of the Ancients trilogy let us see, in depth, what happened during the first invasion of the Burning Legion and we get to know the Dragons more closely. They are very human in a sense. Arrogant. Yet . . . they care for the world, and protect it from evil.
[Richard]: I did what Blizzard requested of me and they okayed all I did. The dragons are arrogant, because they were the first and were created by powerful beings. That hubris is why they don’t always see the small details that grow into monstrous problems.
[Medievaldragon]: Vader asked: How will the books impact the way people think and look at the whole Warcraft series?
[Richard]: I think that this will show how the series are important to understanding where the game has been and where it is going. It gives a depth that cannot be displayed in the game, just as the game gives details and life to the books. They are two parts of the same whole.
[Medievaldragon] So it is recommendable to read the books of the warcraft lore to better enjoy the gameplay in World of Warcraft quests
[Richard]: We will see
[Medievaldragon]: Both, the mmorpg and the books storylines are connected in short.
[Richard]: Yes, they are . . . They are very interwitned. Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy takes place after the Plaguelands have been created; and will feature Dwarves, Dragons, Elves, Undead Scourge, Forsaken, Tauren and more . All crammed into three volumes!
[Medievaldragon]: How much time has passed since the war in Hyjal
[Richard]: Difficult to say. I’d have to reference the materials. Blizzard is, of course, overseeing each page . . . The first should be out in February, or March. With the second about four months later, I believe.
[Medievaldragon]: Can you tell us more about Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy storyline. I read there is a Dragon escaping his chasers by shapeshifting into human form.
[Richard]: Yes, as some will note with significance, a young BLUE dragon is on a mission. Until he is attacked with a net and more. He must transform into something smaller to escape the hunters (seen on the sample page !). And continues his mission . . . while they pursue
[Medievaldragon]: What impulsed him to take this mission? By the way, Blue dragonflight is led by Malygos the Dragon Aspect of magic, correct?
[Richard]: What he and they do not know, however, is that there are others following.
[Medievaldragon]: This sounds like one of those bad days where everyone is chasing you to death. Adrenaline rush!
[Richard]: Correct. He was sent by Malygos himself, which in itself should be an indication that the Magic One’s madness is waning. Yeah, it only gets worse f
rom there . . . Our heroes are Kalecgos—the dragon mentioned; Tyri —a female blue; Anveena—a human girl; Jorad Mace—fallen paladin; and Raac —Who?
But watch out for Dar’khan
[Medievaldragon]: Lot of new characters in the story. That’s good in a sense, expands the universe.
[Richard]: Yep, and, eventually, one recognizable one by the end
[Medievaldragon]: How did Chris Metzen approach you about this new book, and how does it connect with War of the Ancients: Demon Soul?
[Richard]: It does not connect . . . save in that it is Warcraft. It is the future. As War tries to save a future for the world. However, some of what I said should show elements of the novel, afecting the time of the Manga. Goes well, I already have other ideas in mind. Actually, Tokyopop approached him and Chris said it could only happen if I did it. Nice ego-boost
[Medievaldragon]: I think the events of War of the Ancients have more to do with this Warcraft manga storyline than we think. The blue dragonflight was wiped too originally, and Warcraft Manga talks about many blue dragons. Even World of Warcraft has countless blue dragons.
[Richard]: Ah, you noticed ! nuff said!
[Medievaldragon]: heh, coughs . . . next question i guess
[Richard]: But not so easily rectified. Yes, next.
[Medievaldragon]: Some of the fans made a question. Are Maeiv and Lady Vash in the book Demon Soul? or maybe the third book, The Sundering?—Maiev was the jailer of Ilidan.
[Richard]: Not in the second book. Depending on the perspective of the third, possibly. It gets a little crowded with all the characters already. Want to do them justice. We shall see. Not the second book, though.
[Medievaldragon]: Yea I have heard many fans concerned about Maiev, Lady Vash and Feathermoon in this time-frame during the first invasion of the Burning Legion. Fans want to read about them.
[Richard]: That’s too soon in the story. All right. I’ll say it. Actually, Shandris . . . She plays a part. How’s that?
[Medievaldragon]: [does the Football touchdown dance ;p] Sounds pretty good
[Medievaldragon]: Let’s just hope Chris changes his mind and gives you a whisper about those characters: Maiev and Lady Vash. And the leader of the high elves exiled, that reached Lordaeron after the Sundering taking the vials of waters from the Well of Eternity with them—which later serve to create the Sunwells. Another guy asks if you know of plans of writting more warcraft books in the future.
[Richard]: Blizzard has the final say
[Medievaldragon]: The more you write the more we will want to read them =]
[Richard]: but so far they say as long as I want to write for the series
[Medievaldragon]: fair answer
[Richard]: I want to. I am also doing more Diablo. I have a very good relationship with Blizzard
[Medievaldragon]: I remember last time, you said you had plans for a Diablo book featuring the Necromancer. How’s the plans ?
[Richard]: Read Kingdom of Shadow. Zayl will be returning, with Humbart. in MOON OF THE SPIDER. To be written after War of the Ancients [book three]: THE SUNDERING. It will be a revealing book about necromancers and the problems of the Balance. Just as Karybdus . . . if you dare. heh!
[Medievaldragon]: Im pretty sure Diablo fans are going to await this book with all the emotion of a possible Diablo 3 in the air. We do know Blizzard North is officially working on a project for some time as said back in August
[Richard]: They’re keeping mum, which is only right; but I’m sure it’ll turn out great what I do with the necromancers, may eventually be incorporated. I like them. They’re so light-hearted. heh
[Medievaldragon]: Have you played Diablo games?
[Richard]: Some, but, as with Warcraft
[Medievaldragon]: well not like you have the time with so many books, but you seem fond of writing about the Necromancer
[Richard]: the writing does come first . . . but I would play the Necromancer, yes. By the way, as to Gnomes and Trolls in Warcraft , while the former seems to the side, I do have a couple of trolls among the Dragon hunters in the Warcraft Manga, Adds diversity.
[Medievaldragon]: Do we have more background lore about the Trolls’s history in Warcraft Manga?
[Richard]: Not really. That is Blizzard’s choice.
[Medievaldragon]: There is a god the Trolls venerate. Hakkar
[Richard]: I bow to them in such matters. Is there really? Did anyone ever tell them that they worship a demon?
[Medievaldragon]: in the MMORPG of World of Warcraft—at the sunken temple of the Swamp of Sorrows, is a team of Trolls trying to revive their god Hakkar. It is a pretty instance to play in as it is guarded by Dragons of the Emerald dream [mind stops as the sentence “. . . worship a demon?” resonates in the back of self’s skull . . . Left eye shrinks and dilates . . . remembers a friend once reminding there was a demon in War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity named Hakkar too . . . same demon dude serving the Burning Legion? Whoa? O_o . . . Self returns to the interview]
[Richard]: Silly, silly trolls . . . You got to love them . . . from a distance
UPDATE 1-29-06: Months after this interview, I asked Knaak once more about Hakkar the Soulflayer and Hakkar the Houndmaster demon. Turns out both are separate entities not related. Chris Metzen admitted to using the name Hakkar by mistake, and apologized. Knaak used the name Hakkar first. At the time of this current interview, Knaak wasn’t aware of the MMORPG mistake. Read the short explanation that clears up any confusion about Hakkar and Elune/Ysera rumors.
[Medievaldragon]: One of the Green Dragons, Eranikus gets corrupted in the dream, and it seems in the storyline that The Emerald dream is being corrupted from within.
[Richard]: Not my project
[Medievaldragon]: There are many good storylines arising in the quests. I think fans would love you to write in the future more about the Gnomes and the Trolls’s background history.
[Richard]: If they fit into what we’re doing, I’m game.
[Medievaldragon]: So you know guys, we have to write many emails and forum posts asking Blizzard to get Richard to write about it =] Here is the Suggestions Forums—make sure you tell Blizzard to get Richard A. Knaak to write the Gnomes, Trolls and Tauren history in his books.
[Richard]: Considering trolls eat other races, that’s perhaps not a good choice of words
[Medievaldragon]: Ehh hope you dont put Rhonin through that. Krasus would also complain if Trolls have Dragon Wing cook recipes =(
[Richard]: Nope.
[Medievaldragon]: There is so many questions to make about both books. I would like to know. How do you feel about writing these 2 books, exploring different time frames of the Warcraft lore
[Richard]: I feel great about exploring the entire history of Warcraft. I look forward to writing more.
Narzul Richard: Do you plan to play wow if so what race/class? 
Tirioth: Richard are you gonna play WoW?
[Richard]: I’m probably telling something that many of you know. I would play a Tauren
Well, guys t
he Q&A is over. Closing comments?
thanks, Richard 
<[[^kristos^]]> THX Richard !!!!!!!!!!!
thanks Richard on behalf of WizardzNet staff 
thanks Richard
[Athalus-WCRadio] YAY HORDE
[Protheus] Will there be a translation into french and german ?
[Medievaldragon]: Back in February, Wow.gamona.de was kind to host a German version of our last interview with Richard A. Knaak. We hope this time they do so again for the German fans. Germany has a special place in Richard’s heart for his origins. We will send the transcript to Judgehype.com for them to host the French version. NGAcn.com to host the chinese version. And Wow-Esp.com to host the Spanish version for Spain and 20 Latino American countries that love Knaak books. Other Fan Sites willing to translate, host and spread the interview in their country are welcome to contact me by private message over the forums.
[Athalus-WCRadio]: WoW Radio is a project partnered, in part, by Blizzplanet.com. Last night was our unexpected inaugural broadcast. We hope you’ll join us tonight for more music and talk radio. If you’re interested, all the information you need is at www.wcradio.com.
[Athalus-WCRadio]: To chat with us, visit irc.wyldryde.org #wowradio or use the chat applet on our website. Thanks for coming out for Blizzplanet’s interview, and I hope you’ll support WoW Radio in its endeavor.
[Athalus-WCRadio]: The Cosmos UI has generously lent its support through an in game schedule window that will be available in a November Cosmos release.
[eggy]: I would like to take this moment to thank Richard, and BlizPlanet for choosing to use Wizardz IRC Network as their place to host this interview session. As WizardzNet staff we really appreciate this.
[Medievaldragon] Special thanks to WC3Campaigns for hosting Blizzplanet and offering bandwidth support to host this Q&A for Blizzard fans. Visit WC3Campaigns.com for Warcraft III Mods and Total Conversions.
[Medievaldragon]: ok guys that was it, we are very pleased with Richard and with Blizzard for allowing us fans to enjoy Richard A. Knaak and his warcraft books
[Medievaldragon]: We will have in the website the transcript sometime tonite. Every fan site will have a copy to post locally in their own websites
[Medievaldragon]: We will also make sure that fan sites tell every fan that you can get this books bundled with the sale of World of Warcraft pre-orders via Online Stores and store locations.
[Medievaldragon]: Ok now stay with us for few minutes more, we will work on giving away 10 pocketbooks. Basically, if you win, you will chose your reward out of 4 choices. You can pick Day of the Dragon, War of the Ancients: Well of Eternity, Demon Soul pre-ordered or Warcraft Manga
Important Links:
- Buy War of the Ancients [book two]: Demon Soul here
- Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy storyline
- Richard A. Knaak Homepage
- Sign-up to Richard A. Knaak Mail List
Winners of 10 pocketbooks:
Heretic Thorek Zodiac Saxe Jarlaxle Knetwerx sticker Certhos Pesmerga Monstar |