The Dream Brew
The Dream Brew is ready.
Drink it at the Seer’s Stone, just to the right of the red pagoda.
Seek, and find.
Objective: Drink the Dream Brew at the Seer’s Stone and find the White Pawn.
Drink the Dream Brew: 0/1
White Pawn found: 0/1
—Note: The character falls into a trance, and the mind starts to move throughout the landscape in search of Prince Anduin Wrynn.–
Hozen Slingtail Hunter: Run, slicky! I dook up your like fer breakfast!
—Discovered: Den of Sorrow–
Prince Anduin: I am Anduin Wrynn, Prince of Stormwind. I won’t die here. Not like this!
[White Pawn found: 1/1]
- [Note: Prince Anduin casts Psychic Scream. The three hozen flee in terror. Prince Anduin runs uphill just to find a dead end. The hozen surrounds him. Prince Anduin casts Power Word: Shield, and shoots Holy Fire on one of them. He has no weapons other than his Holy Light magic.
It’s interesting — two Pandaren jump in to ambush the hozen, and protect Prince Anduin: Ren Whitepaw, and Lina Whitepaw.
[Quest Completion]
Prince Anduin: How did you find me?
(Anduin listens to you describe the vision from the Dream Brew.)
Prince Anduin: Remarkable! That’s exactly what happened several days ago. We’ve been laying low since then.