Blizzard Entertainment began releasing teasers of the new units available in StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm multiplayer. The first one released over at the StarCraft II Facebook is a bulky terran unit.
It’s a bit hard to figure out what this new unit is. I zoomed in using Photoshop, and the silhouette seems to suggest both arms are holding a shield like the one used by Marines when upgraded.
It’s hard to think of a multiplayer melee unit carrying two shields unless it is a bulky medic, a utility more than offensive unit, or a type of melee unit that serves as a meat shield put at the front of your troops which deals a wide area of effect damage with that gadget located on the upper-back right behind the head.
A zoomed-in look at its legs seem to indicate this unit has wheels. Is this a transformer-like unit? Certainly this new terran unit is more than meets the eye!
The gadget looks like a laser cannon, or a mini-missile/nuke launcher. However, the nozzle-like silhouette might suggest a flame-thrower. This is an odd terran unit. As a first impression, strategically speaking, I think this unit could be the equivalent of the Protoss Sentry’s Force Field as a support unit to divert damage away from infantry, or to block incoming of many units like zerglings or zealots.
Could the unleashing of expansion unit teasers mean StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm beta begins on Q4 2011?
Blizzard Entertainment also released a new StarCraft II Wallpaper featuring Sarah Kerrigan at the moment the Zerg surrounded her in the Tarsonis platform as seen in one of the StarCraft II cinematics.
I’d say that thing coming off his back looks like a flame thrower… notice the arm of it coming up from the under side to the front… also there are wheels on it’s shoulders so it looks like it could be a vehicle that transforms into a walker with shields on its arms and flame thrower weapon… almost like a beefed up version of the hellion…
Yea, I kept inspecting the cannon area after I posted. It definitely looks like some sort of extension in front of the cannon’s mouth. I launched StarCraft II after I posted to double-check the Firebat and Hellion units. They don’t have this “extension” thingie in front of the cannon’s mouth.
In real life, this is usually some sort of fire trigger. The cannon should release a source of propane gas — which results in a flamethrower. Convoluted explanation, sorry. English limitation at its worst =)
No, that makes perfect sense. I’ve been thinking the same thing. 🙂
Also, it has round things on its legs and shoulders… maybe wheels.
My theory: it’s an evolution of the Hellion. Wether it replaces it or it’s a tech to unlock, I do’nt know.
hmmm all of these are very good points, maybe its like transformer? changes from hellion vehicle mode to standing flame wielding dual shielded unit? and if thats the case it wont be organic but it could be a sorta walker like the goliath but with flame throwers and a high armor rating or they might not use the possibly flamethrower ? and it could just be like an option to switch between fast moving vehicle mode to perhaps slow moving tanky walker? probably something youd want to put up front to protect from lings and lots but we have to also consider the option that it might be a melee unit, the terrans dont have much in the melee department, no more firebats which were as close to melee you get, and that turret like object on the top perhaps its some sorta of device to use an ability its look almost makes me think of Egon Stetmann he had needles from his back, and he also had two shields on either side of him… he didnt really have them in his hand but we cant deny the possiblity of a shield weilding flame unit or a tanky melee lets see what Blizzard will come up with next!!!!