We got a buzz from Zere, who wrote a transcript of the Excerpt of STARCRAFT GHOST: NOVA pocket book that—as mentioned by Keith R.A. DeCandido in our recent interview—comes attached within WORLD OF WARCRAFT: CYCLE OF HATRED pages.  Let’s get some SPOILERS !!!—-  Read the book excerpt

“Today i got the new warcraftbook “cycle of hatred”, inside there is a 20-site-preview of the upcoming novel “nova” if its still new to you, go to broodwar.ingame.de/kommentare.php?newsid=244500

There are two parts: one of 6 pages, which I typed in there, and another 14-paged part, which describes the mentioned 15th-birthday party. In the birthday-part, Nova’s full name is mentioned: November Anabella Terra, named after her mother Anabella. Her father, Constantino Terra, who knows about novas psi-abilities, is a wealthy industrial. He tells Nova that she’ll soon leave the planet, after getting 2 news reports:

  • Losing a production planet to some rebels
  • Destruction of Mar Sara due to Protoss (-> SC:Ghost plays at least 3 years after Starcraft Classic)
