World of Warcraft # 16 arrived to my home today. In this issue, Thrall and Varian arrive to Theramore to meet Jaina Proudmoore and Magna Aegwynn. They wish to resume their negotiation, interrupted when King Varian was kidnapped by the Defias Brotherhood. We don’t get to see yet the meeting. However, we get to see what’s going on behind the scenes. It is awesome to see more lore continuity tips in this comic book. In this issue, we see Ahn’Qiraj temple. C’thun is mentioned to be dead. The Twilight’s Hammer and its leader are within C’thun chamber.
We find out that Valeera Sanguinar’s ancestor was a high elf mage member of the Council of Tirisfal who Aegwynn met. Thus, one of the reasons she is watching and protecting her. We will find out in upcoming issues more about the Emerald Dream status quo with the Nightmare as Broll has departed the peace summit in Theramore to assist Fandral in Teldrassil.
Garrosh Hellscream accompanies Thrall and Rehgar Earthfury to the Summit with King Varian Wrynn, which in itself might make some fans scratch their forehead. C’thun is dead and Garrosh is already in Kalimdor. This is clearly a sign that the comic book will very soon synch with Wrath of the Lich King, letting us know more of the behind the scenes details surrounding Northrend and its races; and the Lich King.
This was the description of the comic book # 16 given a few weeks ago: