The following are quests that offer some relevant lore in the World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade expansion.
- Mag’har Tribe: The Uncorrupted Orcs of Nagrand
- Alliance Expedition Heroes
- The Naaru and Durotan’s Mother
- Khadgar in Shattrath City
- Old Hillsbrad: The origin of Ashbringer
- The Sha’tar Story
- The Ethereum
- Tyrygosa, Jorad Mace, and the Nether Dragons
- Codex of Blood (Auchindoun: Shadow Laberynth)
- Arakkoa: Talon King Ikiss
- Zuluhed and the Nether Drakes
- Sylvanas: Lament of the Highborne
- Rexxar in Outland
- Nazgrel welcomes you to Outland
- Lantresor of the Blade – Half-Breed Blademaster
- Sunwell Plateau Dungeon Lore – Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy Recap
- Secret Compromised – Akama & Seer Olum
- Kael’thas’ Betrayal and M’uru’s departure from Silvermoon City