In the upcoming patch we will be introducing voice chat, which allows players to talk to each other in-game with the use of a microphone. To ensure that we provide the quality play experience we’re committed to, we will be ramping up the voice chat feature in multiple stages. Currently we are scheduling voice chat to be available on patch day for a limited number of realms. While all realms will still receive the 2.2 patch, and all the content and changes therein, only some realms will have voice chat enabled at the start. We plan to then enable voice chat for the remaining realms the following week. This ramp up release will help us to test the voice chat feature in a live realm environment before enabling it on all realms.
To read more about the upcoming Voice Chat feature, click here:
The initial set of realms that will have voice chat enabled on patch day:
Aerie Peak Altar of Storms Alterac Mountains Andorhal Anetheron Anvilmar Archimonde Arygos Black Dragonflight Blackwing Lair Dalaran Dalvengyr Deathwing Demon Soul |
Dentarg Doomhammer Duskwood Executus Gnomeregan Haomarush Icecrown Jaedenar Kel’Thuzad Khadgar Lethon Mal’Ganis Norgannon |
Onyxia Scilla Sentinels Steamwheedle Cartel Tanaris The Venture Co Thrall Turalyon Uldaman Undermine Ysera Ysondre Zuluhed |
All other realms are scheduled to have voice chat enabled the week following the patch release week.