World of Warcraft Patch 2.2.0 has been released after months of thorough testing in the Public Test Realms. The jewel of this patch is the addition of gameplay video capture for Mac players, and voice chat (VoIP), in addition to classes, PvP, Battleground, Quests, Professions, Dungeon, User Interface and World Environment changes.
Voice Chat will be disabled in some realms. It will be added to a batch of servers in a ramp-up weekly schedule. Make sure to check out the Wow forums and news each week to find out when your realm is added to have voice chat.
Nethaera: We are going to be launching the Voice Chat in stages so that we can monitor the Sound System changes that were implemented to make sure we worked out all of the bugs in it first. Then when we add Voice Chat to limited realms, we can further monitor the impact of its activation. I know many people are anxious to start using it, but it won’t be much longer now. |
These are the realms that get Voice Chat enabled this week:
Aerie Peak Altar of Storms Alterac Mountains Andorhal Anetheron Anvilmar Archimonde Arygos Black Dragonflight Blackwing Lair Dalaran Dalvengyr Deathwing Demon Soul |
Dentarg Doomhammer Duskwood Executus Gnomeregan Haomarush Icecrown Jaedenar Kel’Thuzad Khadgar Lethon Mal’Ganis Norgannon |
Onyxia Scilla Sentinels Steamwheedle Cartel Tanaris The Venture Co Thrall Turalyon Uldaman Undermine Ysera Ysondre Zuluhed |
Check out the 2.2.0 Patch Notes below: