Do you play World of Warcraft on Linux or plan to? Ever tried changing Video and Audio settings under Wine to get error messages and bugs? A programmer has begun a crusade to create a third-party tool titled WowLinuxTools—soon to join under a GPL License. The project is not affiliated or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment, and is a third-party independent tool. In such case, won’t be supported by Blizzard Tech Support. Bookmark the homepage for future updates and/or check our news.
WoWLinuxTools are a set of tools for playing World of Warcraft on Linux.Main Project is WoWLinuxSettings, which allows you to edit your Graphic/Sound Options for WoW (which is currently not possible in Wine), but also things like WoWUIAddOnSettings for installing/de/activating UI Modifications etc…
It is not yet finished, this is just a very early UI-preview
Please Tell me what you think so far and if/how i can improve it