I started this journal so I could keep notes on my quest to help Ashenvale. There is a mystery to some of the events that occurred not too long ago. And hopefully I will be able to unravel some of it in order to help my people.
Let me start by putting down facts so they don’t slip my mind at a later date. I’ve recently found hruth to he rumors of the wizard Dartol’s efforts. Where once I thought it preposterous that a human would come to our lands and learn our ways, this wizard, his evil man, came here and not only survived, but also gained some of our knowledge. I’m still uncerain how …
I never discovered his goals during my investigation, but his plan seemed simple: using druidic magic. He wanted to befriend and then control the furbolg. If it was in an attempt to harm my kin, or for some other malicious purpose, I hope to find out before my path ends.
Regardless, he was apparently more successful than naught in actualizing his plans. Did he want to attempt his machinations on the Furbolg before trying on my people? Did the furbolg have something he coveted? Who knows?
Using an iem he created (a rod or staff of some kind) he atemped to infilrae he furbolg tribes of Ashenvale. At some point, and his is where many of the details are still unclear, he was discovered by the furbolg while trying to manipulate hem ino acting against one another. As I’m sure the elves would be, the furbolg were angered, but they reacted much more strongly and killed Dartol.
The furbolg, at least at this time, weren’t the same corrupted creatures they’ve become. They were stil rational and intelligent—their relationship with our people amicable.
I’m hoping that iff I can recreate the rod with the help of a dryad named Shael’dryn, I can use its power to help our people … and the furbolg. Not all the furbolg have been corrupted. Some still live and try to protect the forest. During their corruption, some of the furbolg fled. Many were killed and others were forced out of their tribes.
I found a venerable furbolg of the Foulweald Tribe living above Lake Mystral—his name is Krolg. I’ve watchewd him for days, and I think if I were to approach him in the guise of a furbolg, I could help him and discover a way to re-establish a bond between our people.
Along with killing Dartol, the furbolg split up the rod into three parts so it couldn’t be used against them again. It has been difficult, but I’ve a good idea where all three parts were placed.
The Gem: The first part of the rod, a glowing gem, was hidden in a shrine in Northwestern Ashenvale, I believe. Now this shrine is the ruins at the center of Lake Falathim. The Sentinels tell me that it’s been inhabited by Murlocs now.
If I can’t find the gem hidden in the shrine, it might be in the possession of one of the Murlocs.
The Shaft Portion: This part of the rod was given to the treants near what is now called Felwood. Neither the furbolg nor my kind could have suspected that such magnificent creatures could ever fall to the corruption that is overtaken the land.
My research tells me that the guardians kept the peice in a small glade locked within a hest. To find out any more, I’ll have to speak to Shael’dryn.
Shael’dryn is a dryad who protects the moonwell northeast of Lake Iris. She refuses to leave the forest or forsake it to the corruption. I know she has the power and knowledge to repair the rod, or to at least tell me how I can do it on my own.
The pommel: The pommel of the rod was given to the druids of Dor’danil. There is one major problem with this though. The druids are dead. Their spirits now inhabit the area and are no longer hospitable.
This may require more investigation. I’m not sure I’m powerful enough to fight the spirits of fmy dead kin … let alone delve into the depths of Dor’danil and find hte pommel.
NOTE: During my preparations in Astranaar, I’ve recently met a dwarf hunter who has spent a good portion of his time in Ashenvale trying to help my people. He came from a place called Stormwind. We spoke over a few ales one night, and his tales have given me new hope of finding the pommel.
He tells me he’s been throughout all of Dor’danil, and he’s never seen a chest or any container that may hold the pommel. He also tells me that rotting slimes have inhabited the area, and they devour almost anything smaller than them. He’s seen them eat tables, sculptures, bears and even gnomes!
The slimes seem to gain a great deal of sustenance from things magical. If the chest holding the pommel was enchanted at all, the slimes might have eaten it.
It’s a gamble, but I have no other cllues at this time … As I find out more, I’ll put the details here: but until then, I shall work on finding the parts of the rod and helping Ashenvale.
—part of the Quest Series: Raene’s Cleansing
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